You Don't Have To Spend A Fortune On EntertainmentYou Don't Have To Spend A Fortune On Entertainment

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You Don't Have To Spend A Fortune On Entertainment

Welcome to my blog. My name is John Maxwell. During the great recession, a lot of my friends found themselves struggling to pay the bills. The idea of spending money on entertainment became unthinkable. But there was a serious consequence to this. My friends saw less of each other. As a result, I went journey to find the most inexpensive or free ways of entertaining friends while still having a great time. Even though the great recession has long since passed, I believe that much of what I learned can still be useful. You can never save enough money on entertainment.

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Considerations For Adding A Golf Simulator To Your Home Theater Room

If you are an avid golfer and are keen on adding a golf simulator to your home, you might think about doing so in your home theater. Just imagine taking some practice drives into the simulator screen while you watch a PGA tournament on your theater screen just a few feet away. If you're in the early stages of planning out this addition to your home theater, you'll want to think about a number of points that will help you to effectively share the space for these two uses.

Put Your Furniture On Wheels

A home theater typically has a number of individual chairs or a few couches that you and your family or guests will use to watch movies and TV shows. You'll need to clear out some space when you want to use your golf simulator, and moving your furniture around each time can be a hassle. Think about installing caster wheels to the bottom of the pieces of furniture. Doing so will make it easy for you to roll the furniture out of the way when it's time to practice your golf, and then roll everything back into position when you're watching a movie.

Have Your TV Screen And Simulator Screen 90 Degrees Apart

Initially, it may make sense to think about hanging your golf simulator screen over your TV projector screen — with the former attached to an apparatus that will allow you to raise or lower it when needed. It's ideal, however, if you can position these two screens on walls 90 degrees from one another. This way, you'll be able to keep the TV screen on when you're golfing — which works well if you want to keep an eye on a golf tournament while you practice your own game.

Watch Out For Overhead Obstacles

Since you'll be swinging a golf club in this room, you need to watch out for overhead obstacles. For example, you might have a ceiling-mounted projector for your home theater, or there might be a few ceiling lights or even a fan to help circulate the air. You may or may not be able to re position these elements with ease. Ideally, you can simply work around them by setting up your golfing space in a part of the room in which you can safely swing a club without hitting anything.

Consider a company like Florida Villa Entertainment Services to see what can be done in your home.