You Don't Have To Spend A Fortune On EntertainmentYou Don't Have To Spend A Fortune On Entertainment

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You Don't Have To Spend A Fortune On Entertainment

Welcome to my blog. My name is John Maxwell. During the great recession, a lot of my friends found themselves struggling to pay the bills. The idea of spending money on entertainment became unthinkable. But there was a serious consequence to this. My friends saw less of each other. As a result, I went journey to find the most inexpensive or free ways of entertaining friends while still having a great time. Even though the great recession has long since passed, I believe that much of what I learned can still be useful. You can never save enough money on entertainment.

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What Are The Different Types Of Fiction Writing?

Fiction writing is non-factual stories that are meant to entertain the reader. This type of writing may be realistic so that it seems like the storyline might actually happen, or it may be a totally impossible tale that intrigues the imagination and takes the reader to a whole new world. Fiction writing may be commercial fiction, literary fiction or mainstream fiction. This is how these types of fiction writing differ.

Commercial Fiction 

Commercial fiction is written for a large audience. These stories are based on plots that tend to interest the general public. For instance, many people love reading a romance novel that they can connect with emotionally. The readers easily understand how the characters of the book feel throughout the entire story.

Commercial fiction includes a wide variety of different genres. A commercial fiction novel may be a mystery, romance, western, thriller, science fiction or any other genre, as long as the readers are able to truly relate with the characters. Some well-known commercial fiction writers include Danielle Steele, John Grisham and Sidney Sheldon.

Literary Fiction 

Literary fiction tends to attract a smaller audience. This type of writing can also include any of the genres that commercial fiction does. However, literary fiction is written differently. It has more properly written words, very original ideas and a unique style that sets it apart from commercial fiction. 

Literary fiction may be set in a specific area or time frame, and the language used matches where and when the story takes place. Some of the most popular literary fiction authors include Toni Morrison, Saul Bellow, Nath Jones, and John LeCarre.

Mainstream Fiction 

Mainstream fiction novels can be either commercial or literary fiction. However, mainstream fiction is set in modern times. These stories may deal with certain issues such as crime, politics, family problems or any other type of issue that many people deal with in their daily lives. 

Mainstream fiction is one of the most popular types of writing, and many novels written in mainstream fiction can be found on best seller lists. Authors such as Michael Crichton, Sue Grafton and David Guterson are known for writing mainstream fiction novels.

Many fictionally written books have been highly successful and are still favorites among readers many years after being released. Some have done so well in written form that they have been transferred to film and have went on to become multi-million dollar movies as well.